About Us
Minh Pham Brothers is the owner of NOCNDEAL - The No.1 "Quality" E-marketplace for TPP business communities
The members of NOCNDEAL are the busines communities of TPP countries. We connect people by the professional tools on NOCNDEAL.com
We constantly admit new members; create a field that attracts many businesses from TPP countries
With an economic experts’ team, we advise and support businesses that are interested in learning about the TPP Agreements in order to improve the quality of products, services and integrate into TPP
By using the advantages of E-commerce, the system works as a connection which motivates the trade between Vietnamese Companies and foreign Companies (Members of TPP Agreement).
We hope that NOCNDEAL is a place where the manufacturers, suppliers can advertise, show their products so as that they can find out business partners, as well as the value information about product international standards. All of these things produce win-win affect for the partners involved.